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​When and where is the språkcafé held?​

When and where is the språkcafé held?

​We usually meet on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. via Zoom. All registrants receive an invitation by email every Wednesday morning with a Zoom link to connect.

Who is the språkcafé for?


For anyone who wants to practice speaking Swedish. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their level of Swedish.


I do my best to organize groups according to level. So it would be very helpful if you could write your Swedish level next to your name on your Zoom profile.

Who is the språkcafé for?
Online Språkcafé's logo

How do I join?


Send us an email to or click here to do so via our contact form. The text could be for example: I want to join the språkcafé!

What do we talk about at the språkcafé?

To help make the conversations richer and smoother, each språkcafé has a specific topic. The discussion questions are sent in the invitation email and later published on the website.


This is intended as help only. You can talk about anything of interest to you and your conversation partners.

Why attend a språkcafé?


Of all the things that helped me learn Swedish up to C1 level, språkcafés helped me the most.

There is no language learning without actual speaking, and språkcafés offer that safe and comfortable space where one can practice it.

How is an online språkcafé different from språkcafés in churches, libraries, etc.?


Online språkcafé takes place via online platforms such as MS Teams or Zoom, and yes, the communication online is a little different than in “real life”.


However, this does not have to affect your speaking skills in a negative way: since non-verbal communication is somewhat limited in online interaction, communication is more focused on the verbal component which benefits our learning to speak.

online språkcafe

Can one learn Swedish by talking to others who are also learning it?


Absolutely. I learned Swedish mostly from those who were still learning Swedish. ​Talking to those who were ahead of me, I picked up new vocabulary and improved my grammar.

Talking to those that look up to us also helps a lot:

  • It improves our pronunciation because we naturally strive to speak more clearly with those who are not yet at our level.

  • We focus on speaking more correctly as we don't want them to learn something wrong from us.

  • And there is a lot to learn from their challenging questions, which is a great motivation for renewing old and acquiring new knowledge.

Q & A about our språkcafé

Click on the question you are interested in or scroll down!

How do I join?
learning from others
helping others
What do we talk about at the språkcafé?
Why visit a språkcafé?
How is an online språkcafé different from språkcafés in churches, libraries etc.?
Can one learn Swedish by talking to others who are also learning it?

​​​​​​​​​Are there any other online språkcafés?


Yes, here are the ones I know of (click on the image to go to the website):

Kompis Sverige logo
Onlin Swedish logo
Svenska Röda Korset logo
​​​​​​​​​Are there any other online språkcafés?
språkcafe topics
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