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Språkcafé #58, 22/01/2025: Job interview

Some of us might be preparing to look for a job and others would like to switch to another. But it is in any case a good exercise, for Swedish and in general.

So think of a position you would like to have and practice in pairs taking turns asking each other. 

Here are some questions that might be useful for this:

  1. Tell us about yourself!

  2. How are you as a person?

  3. What positive qualities do you have?

  4. What negative qualities do you have / What qualities do you have that can be improved?

  5. What do you know about us?

  6. Why are you applying for this job?

  7. What can you bring to the organization?

  8. Why should we hire you?

  9. Do you prefer to work in a group or alone?

  10. What is your role in a group?

  11. How do you react to criticism?

  12. What is success to you?

  13. Can you define adversity?

  14. How do you deal with stress?

  15. Why did you choose that education?

  16. What have you worked on before?

  17. Why are you looking for a new job? Why did you leave your previous employment?

  18. What do you think is important in an employer and in a workplace?

  19. What should a good boss be like?

  20. What will you be doing in five years?

  21. Are you looking for other jobs?

  22. What do you do in your spare time?

  23. What does your family situation look like?

  24. Can you work overtime if needed?

  25. The job involves some travel, how do you see it?

  26. What kind of salary do you have?

  27. When can you start working?

  28. Do you have any questions for us?

And here's some vocabulary that might be helpful:

en ägare, -n, -, -arna - owner

en chef, - en, er, -erna - boss, director

en annons, - en, er, -erna - advertisement

ett jobberbjudande, -t, -n, -na - job offer

att anställa, anställer, anställde, anställt - to hire

en sjukförsäkring, -en, -ar, -arna - health insurance

övertid - overtime

ett kontrakt, -et, -, -en - contract

tillsvidareanställning / fast anställning, -en, -ar, -arna - permanent employment, 

vikariat, -et, -, -en - en tidsbegränsad anställningsform och innebär att du hoppar in som ersättare för någon som till exempel är sjuk, på semester osv.

You will find more words at this link:

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